D.O.D. Gives UC Davis Health Large Grant

The Department of Defense has awarded UC Davis Health with a grant that will directly help servicemen and women.

The $4.5 million grant with help researchers find better ways of treating military personnel who have suffered traumatic brain injuries along with burns. 

Professor Dr. Frederick Meyers with UC Davis Health said the DOD received 90 applications for this grant. Only seven were awarded. 

It's a big deal.

"The fact that UC Davis and our partners were able to win really speaks volumes to collaborating, the collegiality and the support from the institutions and our community," Meyers said. 

Dr. Meyers said it's a critical project because personnel who suffer complicated trauma have a much worse prognosis than those individuals who suffer any one of those injuries (TBI or burn) by themselves. 

A diverse team from all over the country will work together to find better answers for critically-injured servicemen and women.

The David Grant Medical Center at Travis Air Force Base and the Veteran's Administration are playing leading roles in the effort.

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